Arquivo - Ashton, Thomas

On leave at St Beuno's With Parents
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Ashton, Thomas


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(Or 30.8.75 In 14.4.00 Gr 15.8.10 Ob 14.12.61 Stillorgan- Glassevin ANGL)

História biográfica

LL&NN Vol 42 pp 44-48
Two letters from Br Ashton from Katondwe Mission, Feira describing travel from one mission to another - trouble with wild animals-river travel- trouble with Watch Tower movement. " Community house is about the best we have come across (Katondwe) and a credit to Fr Kraupe- good garden and water...The natives around here, from all accounts, are much worse that the Empandeni ones and three times have been on the point of wrecking the mission" Feira to Kapoche, 18 miles; Kapoche to Katondwe, by boat, 25 miles, by road 15 miles; Katondwe to Chingombe, 100 miles LL&NN v.42 pp.47-8 July 30th 1926 from the Mission house, Kapoche, Bro Ashton writes about the trip Katondwe to Kapoche over diffiocult terraine and unhealthy climate. "No wonder Mgr Parry died; it was that part that killed him."
LL&NN Vol 66-7 (1961-2). Obituary, pp 122-126. Born at Golborne, Lancs and worked as a cotton spinner before going to Manresa as a postulant. Began noviceship Apr.14th 1990 and after first vows was for a short time assistant cook at Mount St. 1903 sailed for S.A and there he remained nearly 34 years. At St Aidan;s for 10 yrs as cook, and at St George's college, Bulawayo. For the other 22 yrs his work was mostly on the farm- at Empandeni 1914-30, Chishawasha 1930-7. In 1926 he accompanied Mgr Broen as Bro. Socius on a visitation of the part of his prefecture in Northern Rhodesia and central Africa. The Edition of LL&NN vol 42, p43 " He who can produce a well cooked meal in a basement in Mayfair over two bricks in a sub-tropical forest is no ordinary man. If he happens to be a good shot at big game and an expert path-finder, he is still less ordinary." Bro Ashton wrote a diary of his journey in central Africa, and it makes an excellent reading.
Feb. 1937 he returned to England permanently, and worked a variety of jobs in various places. June 1956 he retired to St Beuno's (He retained the skill of a Rhodesian farmer, he could grow and cure tobacco and turn it into a pleasant pipe tobacco).

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